Babies and Teething Basics, Symptoms and Signs

Your baby will eventually start teething between 3 and 12 months old. The grand and grumpy entrance of their first tooth can cause discomfort to your baby. Teething is a different experience for every baby and it is up to you to recognize these strange symptoms. Some babies even have no symptoms at all while others suffer a lot through months. You can start to see fussiness and irritability from teething pain.

Parents should know the timing of baby teething and the signs to actually look out for. This can help you alleviate the pain and discomfort of your babies for months to come. This way, your baby would get through this particular milestone much easier.

As per stated, teething symptoms can go before the actual tooth appearance for as much as two or three months. The first eruption of a baby’s tooth can start as early as 3 months and as late as their first birth day which make a wide range of normal in terms of the start of teething for babies.

Here are common symptoms to know that your baby is teething.

Drooling. Babies are known to drool but when teething starts, they drool even more. This is because teething stimulates drooling. Your baby would start to have soaked clothes during teething and it is best that you strap on a bib to keep it a little bit neater for the baby. Always wipe your baby’s chin very gently to avoid chapping throughout the day.

Teething rash. Constant drooling can cause the baby chafing, chapping, redness, and rashes on the chin and mouth. Be on the lookout for drips of drool and wipe it gently or pat it to help prevent skin irritation. You can also try and create a moisture barrier or moisturize with unscented skin cream that is gentle for baby’s skin.

Coughing and/or gag reflex. Too much saliva can also make your baby cough and gag as it can be overwhelming when their mouth is full of drool. This is normal and is not a cause of concern especially if the baby has no signs of flu or allergies.

Biting. It can be very uncomfortable to feel teeth under the gums poking and causing pain for babies. This pain is often relieved when they bite or chew on things. This explains why babies chew anything they can put their hands on. They would bite on their fingers, rattles, rings, nipples (for breastfeeding moms).

Crying. Babies can go through teething without the pain and discomfort but for some, they suffer a great deal of pain that they are compelled to let everyone know. The inflammation can give them tender gums which might inflict the risk of root decay. They would cry to let you know they are in pain. Later on, they get used to the discomfort and would cry less.

The severity and type of symptoms during teething vary from baby to baby. Your baby may not complain one bit during their teething but it may be a month full of tears for the next.