Tooth Loss’ Link to Ovarian Cancer

Many emerging studies and theories involving tooth loss and ovarian cancer have made people curious, confused, and worried. The developments of these researches are still going on and it would be too soon to jump on to any conclusions. This has also made a lot of women reflect and ask questions if they have the condition of having congenitally missing teeth called hypodontia. Before panicking and possibly getting stressed about this, women should read and stay updated on current findings that connect the dental condition and ovarian cancer.

One has to learn that hypodontia is a congenital condition where there are spaces that have no permanent teeth on them or having baby tooth that keeps hanging on where permanent teeth should have sprouted. The people suffering this condition have the type of smile that is definitely different from the usual. The genes that cause this condition have gone through a mutation that can be linked to ovarian cancer. The research is still inconclusive as it still going on. It would take more time and more subjects to support or contradict the information that we know now.

Ovarian cancer is often termed as a silent killer because it can go undetected up until it becomes severe. Most of the signs are brushed off by women experiencing them. This type of cancer starts from the ovaries. Like any cancer, early detection can help in the management and treatment of this condition but symptoms change and can be mistaken for other health problems. Early stages of ovarian cancer have faint to no pain so women tend to dismiss the thought of consulting Signs of early ovarian cancer may include bloating or swelling of the belly, weight loss, discomfort or pain in the pelvic area, frequent need to urinate, changes in your bowel movement, and feeling fool easily. The late stages are hard to treat that often lead to death. This condition can happen at any age but most of the women who have ovarian cancer are on their 50’s and like other cancers it can be passed on from one generation to the next.

Even if more people suffering from hypodontia have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the search for facts about the link of both conditions still continue. You have to speak to your doctor if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of ovarian cancer whether you have hypodontia or not.  The best way to address any health problem is to pinpoint the particulars of what you are experiencing or feeling to make them aware of your concerns. You can also inform your doctor of family members who have had ovarian cancer to know if you are at risk.

Doctors can provide nutritious lists of foods that will alleviate ovarian cancer. They, too, often suggest that patients undergo tests and physical examinations as some symptoms can be misleading or can be mistaken for other conditions. There is still no apparatus or machine that can identify the presence of ovarian cancer up to this day but the future is promising.