Cavities and Asthma Connection

Your mouth can display observable symptoms of other medical conditions which makes it a good place to examine and diagnose early symptoms of serious diseases. A trip to the dentist is a good way of preventing dental problems and detecting certain conditions early on.

Many people don’t realize it but medical conditions like asthma have an impact on their dental health. Asthma, as we all know, is a respiratory condition. Patients with asthma have a hard time drawing their breath that makes them draw their breath through their mouth. Breathing through your mouth causes dry mouth. You can lose much of your saliva when you have dry mouth. This is due to the inhibition of saliva production of your salivary glands when you breathe through your mouth. The saliva plays an important role in keeping the acid levels of your mouth at a low level. Saliva washes away bacteria, food debris, and acids that these bacteria produce. Without it, your mouth is a good environment for the development and growth of the plaque causing bacteria and cause havoc on your dental health. Heavy breathing through the mouth would lead to insufficient amounts of saliva that protect and clean your teeth. This leaves you prone or vulnerable to tooth decay and cavities.

Some people even add sugary and carbonated drinks to the mix which causes more damage to your teeth. The medication or inhalers for asthma alone cause dryness of your mouth in addition to mouth breathing and cause lesions or bruising on the roof of your mouth. This can cause infections if left untreated. These sores can spread throughout your mouth and throat.

Here are a few tips for asthma patients to prevent the effects of dry mouth and to make dental visits more comfortable.

On Inhalers. Rinse your mouth with water right after you use your inhaler. This keeps your mouth hydrated.

Drinking Water. Dry mouth is another way of encouraging yourself to drink water throughout the day. Sipping on water counters the effects of dry mouth effectively.

Talk to your dentist. It is important to tell your dentist that you have asthma. You can discuss the types of medication you take and ask for ways to improve your dental health. Your dentist can teach you techniques to keep cavities and tooth decay at bay even with your condition.

Plan carefully. Book an appointment with your dentist where you don’t feel rushed to decrease anxiety levels.

Choose Inhalers. Some inhalers make you prone to cavities than others. Be sure to ask for medication that will lessen the likelihood of tooth decay.

Coffee. Don’t drink coffee before an appointment as it can cause mood changes and increase the chances of stress for you.

There are no quick fixes for asthma. Cavities, on the other hand, can easily be stopped through regular brushing and flossing. Always go to your dental practitioner for dental treatment. Preventive care prevents the harmful effects of drinks, foods, and medication.